Operations Overview

ECC has established integrated processes and efficient operations for clearing and settlement of energy and commodity products. Its range of clearing and settlement services comprises physical settlement, financial settlement and invoicing for transactions concluded or registered at ECC’s partner exchanges for clearing.
ECC offers detailed reports that are available 24/7 via the ECC Member Area.
Members connected to ECC benefit from an international network of partners while using standardised procedures and straight-through processes. Payment, margining and delivery netting are major benefits of ECC’s connective structure.
ECC has a strong footprint in the settlement of physically delivered energy contracts and works together with a broad network of transmission system operators (TSOs), market area managers and registries. ECC develops solutions for the energy markets’ physical needs. The close relationship with the physical market confirms that ECC as a clearing house has a unique market role, which enables us to offer single-sided or priority nomination for most of the delivery hubs.
Furthermore, ECC is involved in in various projects for connecting European electricity markets, the so-called Market Coupling. In addition, ECC is in close contact with national and European authorities to safeguard secure and trouble-free emissions trading.