Clearing Circular 10/2018 | 10 April 2018 as New Go Live Date for the Trading System Migration from EuroLight to ETS for EPEX UK Auction Markets

    With reference to the Clearing Circular 02/2018, we would like to inform you that the change in the auction trading system from EuroLight® to ETS is rescheduled.

    The first Trading Day for the UK Day-Ahead Auction market and the UK Half Hour DAM Auction market in ETS will be 10 April 2018 (for a delivery day 11 April 2018).

    All Clearing Members and Non-Clearing Members are advised to consult Clearing Circular 47/2017 for further details and technical changes related to the migration, namely the changes linked to the Limit Management.

    The continuous market migration from EuroLight® to M7 is envisaged to take place in a second step. The detailed timeline will be communicated via a dedicated Clearing Circular at least three weeks before migration.