Clearing Circular 20/2022 | Introduction of pan-European Guarantees of Origin market operated by EPEX SPOT

    The European Power Exchange (EPEX SPOT), European Energy Exchange (EEX) and European Commodity Clearing (ECC) plan to launch the first exchange-based pan-European spot auction for Guarantees of Origin (GOs) as part of EEX Group’s ongoing efforts to support the energy transition with market instruments. The first auction is planned for 28 September 2022, subject to technical and member readiness. The auctions will be held on a monthly basis. ECC will act as the central counterparty and conduct clearing and settlement. This Clearing Circular contains information regarding the product setup, the clearing and settlement processes, as well as the preconditions for participation.

    Find more information attached. 

    Please do not hesitate to contact ECC if you require any further information. 

    European Commodity Clearing AG
    Clearing & Settlement
    Phone: +49 341 24680-444