Clearing Circular 8/2022 | T2-T2S Consolidation Project: Preparation of testing activities

    Update of C7 Payment System (C7 PS) Simulation

    The ECC Target 2 Consolidation project is now at the stage of preparing the testing phase which will start April 4th, 2022. One prerequisite by the Eurosystem for successful testing is that the tests need to be conducted with the BICs which will be used in production. A reconciliation between the C7 PS Simulation and Production environment shows differences between the BICs tested in Simulation and the BICs actually used in
    Production. Therefore, all BICs in C7 PS Production will be migrated to C7 PS Simulation. ECC plans the update latest March 31st, 2022.

    Furthermore, we would like to kindly remind you about the ECC Target2 Consolidation - Technical questionnaire, requesting information on the future 11-BIC and technical SPOCs for the technical changes and testing within the Target 2 Consolidation. Please complete the survey until March 15th, 2022. Access to the survey can be found here.

    In case of any questions related to T2-T2S consolidation, please reach out to ECC’s
    dedicated project team under

    European Commodity Clearing AG
    Clearing & Settlement
    Phone: +49 341 24680-444