Clearing Circular 24/2021 | Service Fee Margin Assets

    Changes in service fees for the handling of margin assets

    With effect as of 1 August 2021, ECC will adjust the service fees for the handling of margin assets1.

    The adjustments affect the service fee for the handling of margin assets in the form of securities, the service fee for the handling of margin assets in the form of emission allowances and the management fee for the handling of margin assets in the form of cash as follows:

    Margin assets in the form of securities0.10% p.a.
    Margin assets in the form of cash in EUR0.15% p.a.
    Margin assets in the form of cash in GBP0.20% p.a.
    Margin assets in the form of cash in USD0.50% p.a.
    Margin assets in the form of emission allowances0.15% p.a.

    1 Including contributions to the ECC Default Fund

    Further details can be found in the ECC Price List.

    European Commodity Clearing AG
    Clearing & Settlement
    Phone: +49 341 24680-444