Clearing Circular 36/2016 | Trading System Migration from EuroLight to M7 and ETS for Belgium and Netherlands and resulting technical change of product specification and limit management

    As part of the integration between APX Group and EPEX SPOT, the EPEX SPOT trading systems ETS and M7 will be extended to the Belgium and Netherlands markets. ETS and M7 will replace the current APX EuroLight® trading system in these two countries.

    As a result, the APX Power NL and Belpex Day-Ahead Markets will be migrated from EuroLight to the EPEX Trading System (“ETS”). The APX Power NL Intraday Market and the Belpex Continuous Intraday Market will be migrated from EuroLight to the M7 system (ex-ComXerv).

    Both migration steps are planned to take place in September 2016 (for Intraday) and November 2016 (for Day-Ahead). To minimize the impact on its members, EPEX and ECC will bundle parts of the technical consequences of those change.

    This Clearing Circular aims to inform about the related technical change. ECC will inform you with another Clearing Circular on the precise date for those changes to happen.