Clearing Circular 47/2017 | Migration of Trading System from EuroLight to M7 and ETS for EPEX UK Market

    EPEX Spot plans to extend its trading systems ETS and M7 to the UK Market. ETS for auction market and M7 for continuous market will replace the current EuroLight® trading system. Both migration steps are planned to take place in the first and in the second quarter of 2018, starting with the auction market Go-Live on 27 February 2018 and ending with the migration of the continuous market in Q2 2018. The migration steps are subjects to successful implementation and testing. To minimize the impact on its members, EPEX and ECC will bundle the technical changes of this migration processes. The migration will impact the financial trading limits, which need to be managed by the Trading Participants together with the respective Clearing Members. This Clearing Circular aims to inform about the related changes. The exact dates of the migration will be announced on a later stage and will be subject to a dedicated circular.