A new release of the Clearing Conditions (Release 65a) has been published todaycontaining several changes to the rulebook of ECC.
The new version of the Clearing Conditions is available under
The amendments will take effect as of 30 August 2024. A summary of the material changes is provided below.
1. Explicit reference to the ECC Disciplinary Procedure in the Clearing Conditions in newly introduced section 2.13.
2. Irrevocability of power of attorney regarding CBF Pledged-Securities Accounts in new paragraph 8 of section 3.4.7.
3. Deletion of measures for the implementation of the Austria Energy Efficiency Act (previously section 3.12).
4. Enhancements regarding physical settlement of grid-bound Energy Transactions in section 4.8.
5. Enhancements regarding physical settlement of transactions in Registry Based Products and Allowances in section 4.9.1 and 5.4.7.
6. Introduction of provisions on the clearing of Transactions in Guarantees of Origin on the Derivatives Market of EEX in section 4.10.
7. New Obligation of Institutional Clearing Members regarding reporting of Derivatives Market Transactions under Art. 9 EMIR, Art. 3 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1855 in newly introduced section 6.3.3.
Additionally, the new release of the Clearing Conditions contains a variety of editorial amendments and enhancements.
European Commodity Clearing AG
Clearing & Settlement
Phone: +49 341 24680-444