ECC Clearing Circular 33/2024 | Adjustment of the EEX European Liquid Milk Index calculation and expiration dates

    Summary ECC

    AG hereby informs about changes of the EEX European Liquid Milk Index, which is used for the final settlement of the respective futures (EEX European Liquid Milk Future; product code: FALM).

    The underlying for the reflection of the market price for liquid milk (EEX European Liquid Milk Index) in the European Economic Area will change from using the prices from Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Ireland as published by the “Milk Market Observatory” of the European Commission to the German price (”Preis für konventionell erzeugte Kuhmilch, bei 4,0 % Fettgehalt und 3,4 % Eiweißgehalt, ab Hof”) of the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE). Furthermore, the last trading day will be changed from 12th to 20th calendar day of the month.

    The change will be introduced on 02.09.2024 and affects all expiries starting from September 2024.

    Updated expiration dates can be found in the contract details file on our website under Member Section > Product Specification Files and on the sFTP server as of 02.09.2024

    European Commodity Clearing AG
    Clearing & Settlement
    Phone: +49 341 24680-444